Beit Polska’s multi faceted vision for the renewal of Progressive Polish Jewish life is supported by Friends of Jewish Renewal in Poland (501 3c) and the European/World Union for Progressive Judaism (EUPJ/ WUPJ). In addition we seek your vital support–through your foundation, through family celebrations and memorials, and through your personal gifts.
Click here to see the ‘omnibus’ projects; we seek your partnership and collaboration.Your interest is key to redeveloping Jewish life in Poland. Be sure to sign up for our newsletter and blogs, and, and help us create the miracle.
These are non-profit businesses that will realize a return to support Beit Polska initiatives. These venture projects will draw on talented people from our congregational community. Beit Polska has established a non-profit entity responsible to the board, to foster ventures that will be conducted as businesses, to bring in income to the Beit Polska goal of self-sufficiency. Initially, the expected profit will be limited, but the model of operation and accountability will reflect an entrepreneurial spirit that will benefit the growth of the Progressive Polish Jewish community, provide for the general business and social welfare of Polish society. These projects will provide substantial part-time work for community members. The business training will create important community dynamics that will re-introduce a sense of market economy, and improved community cohesion. These venture projects will provide legitimacy and visibility for Progressive Judaism in Poland.
Target $20,000
Hosting of tourists and visitors at Beit Warszawa (flagship congregation of Beit Polska federation) and the other two communities and other Beit communities (Beit Trojmiasto and Beit Konstancin), to provide more than an on-the-bus experience. A host of programs are possible including coffee klatches, dinners, an interactive conversation, slide show, communal singing and even entertainment with our talented people leading. The dramatic presentations, songs, telling stories, and responding to questions about Polish Jewish life today create a sense of camaraderie and hope that Jewish groups visiting from outside of Poland seek, and that benefit the morale of our small Jewish communities.
Many internal tourist Polish groups (Third Age – equivalent of Elder Hostel) travel to visit various sites in Poland, including Mosques. This project will encourage internal groups to visit the Beit Polska communities. Many in Poland have no idea what a contemporary Jew looks like. A certain reluctance on the part of Jews in Poland to express their Jewish identity publicly has left a void in the public arena. Youth groups and retired people with a little training can guide people through our facility and answer basic questions, e.g.: do Jews sacrifice animals, male circumcision, do Jews drink blood with matzos, etc.
The “Road Scholar” and “Elder Hostel” programs from North America and other similar programs outside of North America invite retired people to learn about Jews and Judaism as a component of community-based general religious courses (in English).
Note: Recently, a tour bus stopped at the Mosque located two doors away from Beit Warszawa. We invited the group to visit us, and we were contacted later by someone from the tour company that has since sent two groups of retired Poles to visit Beit Warszawa. Our objective is to notify all tour agencies that they may consider including a visit to our various Beits throughout Poland on their itineraries.
ADL research on anti-Semitism does not take into consideration contemporary Jewish or Polish life in Poland. Many tourists (internal and external) do not know about the renewal of Jewish life and the challenges that people face. In this project, we educate and inform visiting groups. This effort to welcome the “Third Age Community” and school groups that visit our synagogue in Beit Warszawa will instill confidence and authority in the emerging Polish Jewish community as well.
Costs include hiring/training youth and seniors to conduct tours, and provide food/drinks for hospitality, and facility maintenance.
- Open up learning opportunities for genuinely curious adults;
- Build positive public relations
- Employ professors/teachers who speak Polish or English at a very high level
- Involve talented people to provide musical opportunities/attend concerts
- Increase to 20 the number of groups hosted at Beit Warszawa
- Develop other venues
- Increase awareness among internal/Polish bus-tour guide companies that Beit Polska communities are prepared to host them.
- Increase to 70 outside groups (e.g., synagogue Poland tours) from current 20
- increase to 40 outside Jewish youth groups (visit Poland) from current 5, to visit Beit Polska communities
- increase to 30 outside Jewish adult groups (visit Poland) from current 15, to visit Beit Polska communities
- Tourist agencies; Poland tourist offices and consulates; develop better contacts with Elder hostel and Road Scholars organizations
- Staff in Poland to meet visiting groups, and to lead tours in Poland, including youth and college age tours that come from U.S. and worldwide to Poland.
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