Beit Polska’s multi faceted vision for the renewal of Progressive Polish Jewish life is supported by Friends of Jewish Renewal in Poland (501 3c) and the European/World Union for Progressive Judaism (EUPJ/ WUPJ). In addition we seek your vital support–through your foundation, through family celebrations and memorials, and through your personal gifts.
Click here to see the ‘omnibus’ projects; we seek your partnership and collaboration.Your interest is key to redeveloping Jewish life in Poland. Be sure to sign up for our newsletter and blogs, and, and help us create the miracle.
Joining the Jewish People
Almost all Polish people who come to Beit Polska have no documentation to show that they are Jewish from either a Jewish mother or Jewish father. All documentation was lost during the holocaust; and all memory of ever being Jewish was lost during the 50+ years of Soviet-Communist era, when Jewish children were placed by their parents into Catholic homes or institutions. As adults, an increasing number of these individuals are learning that there is a history of Jewish blood in them, but they have never lived a Jewish life nor learned anything about what means to be Jewish. Many others who come to Beit Polska are not Jewish and have no Jewish roots known or unknown; but they are attracted to Jewish culture, they take and finish the Step-by-Step, and then they choose to transition to become Jewish.
For all these people who enter the doors of Beit Polska, we provide a series of introductory learning opportunities. For those who seriously want to consider a transition into a dedicated life of being Jewish, we offer classes in conversion, which end with the individual being tested by a “beit din” (a panel of three rabbis who are skilled in this process). Normally, we bring our students to the Beit Din of the World Union for Progressive Judaism (WUPJ) movement, located in Jerusalem. After the individual passes review by the Beit Din, the rituals of Brit Milah (for men), and this process ends with immersion in a ritual pool of natural water (mikveh). The individual is issued a certificate signed by the Beit Din, to the effect that this individual is now Jewish, and a Hebrew name is given.
Adult Bar Mitzvah
Target $10,000 per year
A number of people are now seeking to deepen their familiarity with synagogue skills and their understanding of Jewish texts/philosophy. This extended study leads to opportunity to experience an adult bar/bat mitzvah, including reading from the Torah and chanting Haftorah.
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