The world of synagogue, Israeli, and and popular Jewish music in Poland is richer today because of the involvement of Cantor Mike Stein of Temple Aliyah in the San Fernando valley. Cantor Stein visited Poland recently and worked with our prayer leaders (Shatzim) developing their skills as prayer leaders and teachers in the Polish Jewish community.
Noted UCLA musicologist Neal Brostoff is also a recent visitor who helped enlarge and deepen the Jewish musical experience in Poland. Both Stein and Brostof join a five year old Beit Polska program initiated by board member Princess Irina Sayn-Wittgenstein in 2011 which continues under the auspices of Friends of Jewish Renewal in Poland. Currently major funding for the Lay Cantors program comes from the Dutch Humanitarian Fund.
Rabbi Boris Dolin who is serving as rabbi at Beit Warszawa/Beit Polska also participated.
Be sure to watch for information on the four concert tour of southern California planned October 2016 featuring Cantor David Wisnia and his grandson Avi Wisnia, Cantor Mike Stein, Dr. Neal Brostoff, and two lay cantors — Rivka Foremniak and Piotr Mirski. The Torrance Cultural Center, Temple Israel of Pomona, The La Jolla Jewish Community Center, and Temple Aliyah are joining together to sponsor this magnificent tour.
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