Beit Polska’s multi faceted vision for the renewal of Progressive Polish Jewish life is supported by Friends of Jewish Renewal in Poland (501 3c) and the European/World Union for Progressive Judaism (EUPJ/ WUPJ). In addition we seek your vital support–through your foundation, through family celebrations and memorials, and through your personal gifts.
Click here to see the ‘omnibus’ projects; we seek your partnership and collaboration.Your interest is key to redeveloping Jewish life in Poland. Be sure to sign up for our newsletter and blogs, and, and help us create the miracle.
Target $5,000 per year
Beit Polska seeks to expand the doorway into the study of Judaism or simply establish familiarity for those who are curious. We believe that many people are open to general information about Judaism. While the newly opened museum (Polin) will provide important perspectives, there remains a subset of people who actually seek to reunite with the Jewish people but find the stance of most Jewish institutions inhospitable. Towards this objective,
- Beit Polska plans to sponsor “open house” presentations geared towards people with no prior intention to convert. By a welcoming short series of lectures, music and refreshments, Beit Polska will open-the-door and adapt a popular program entitled: “A Taste of Judaism-Aren’t You Curious?”.
- Beit Polska will participate in The “Night of the Open Churches and Museums,” sponsored by the city of Warsaw and other cities.
- Beit Polska will encourage retired Poles to participate in the equivalent of Elder Hostel, to visit schools and scout groups.
Offer a greater range of Jewish experiences from cultural to Progressive religious experience
- Foster commitment to Jewish life, where appropriate: gain 50 new people to sign up for Step-by-Step class.
- Offer five adjunct identity-building programs for people in Step-by-Step (outside the normal Tuesday night class/monthly classes.) These programs will be offered on Sunday, when people can gather for informal conversation. They will be led by
a group therapist. - Welcome interest in Judaism: Receive 200 new individuals to attend Beit Polska events
- Open house program to re-introduce Judaism as different from the dominant stereotype (a 2 hr. session to discuss ideas of Judaism, for people not ready yet to sign up for a full commitment)
- Inform Jews by Choice and non-Jewish Poles about Judaism
- Engage ten recent graduates in an Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah class; teach Torah and Haftorah reading skills; teach Jewish texts such as Mishnah and Talmud
- Receive 200 new individuals to attend Beit Polska open house programs
Partnering Organizations:
- We have a grant request pending approval to the Roswell Fund of the European Union for Progressive Judaism
- Requests will be made to the Leo Baeck College in England and the Geiger School Kolleg in Germany, to send instructors to support our conversion programs.
- Polish speaking social worker Dariusz is organizing efforts to film the classes.
- Website is being prepared by Joanna and Jane
- Marzena provides translation for Rabbi Gil Nativ
Click here to return to the main Omnibus Grant Application.
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