Beit Polska’s multi faceted vision for the renewal of Progressive Polish Jewish life is supported by Friends of Jewish Renewal in Poland (501 3c) and the European/World Union for Progressive Judaism (EUPJ/ WUPJ). In addition we seek your vital support–through your foundation, through family celebrations and memorials, and through your personal gifts.
Click here to see the ‘omnibus’ projects; we seek your partnership and collaboration.Your interest is key to redeveloping Jewish life in Poland. Be sure to sign up for our newsletter and blogs, and, and help us create the miracle.
Target $45,000 per year
At Beit Warszawa, we have established a model of Shabbat hospitality, which includes: candle lighting, a catered dinner (dairy and vegetarian), music and community. This frames the religious/social in an aesthetically appealing experience. The “Beit Warszawa Shabbat table experience” is one we seek to duplicate throughout the Beit Polska communities. Since 1995, funding for this keystone program came primarily from one source: Severyn Ashkenazy and his friends (notes in donor section above). This program has been capably administered by our paid staff person at Beit Warszawa–Gryzina. Because of our funded ability to subsidize these events, we currently have ability to charge a modest fee for Shabbat and holiday dinners that does not discourage participation. The meals are kosher vegetarian/dairy. We have experimented dairy/vegetarian pot luck meals but the demands of keeping kosher especially in Poland prohibit this as a wide-spread solution. The Shabbat and holiday meals are not only attractively presented, but they lend dignity and a sense of individual and community care that is an essential cultural message around Shabbat and holidays.
Increase attendance at services as follows:
- Beit Warszawa: from 40 current to 60
- Beit Trojmiasto: from 25 current to 40
- Beit Konstancin: from 25 current to 40
- Beit Poznan: from 15 current to 30
- Beit Katowice: from 15 current to 25
- Beit Wroclaw: from 10 current to 20
- Beit Lublin: from 10 current to 35
- Beit Lodz: from 10 current to 20
- Beit Bialystok (restart): achieve 10
- Beit Touron (new start community): achieve 20
- Publicize via word of mouth, social media
- Bring in visiting rabbis and prayer leaders from outside Poland to lead services
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